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Our scoring system. Use this link to update your roster and add/change games. Remember, non conference games are now "Exhibition" games when you add them.
For 2024-25 Season.
Our points are
3 win in regulation
2 points OT win
1.5 points tie
1 point OT loss
0 points regulation loss
Unfortunately, GameSheet can't handle 1.5 points. Therefore, all the points are doubled (6,4,3,2,0). Winning % is still the same.
Now that the entire MSHL is using GameSheet to score our games, it makes sense to standardize procedures:
Once the referees are done, find a place at the rink with an internet connection and upload the game.
There are 4 columns that will help you:
When a player receives 2 minor penalties, the start time for the 2nd minor is the same time when the first minor ends. If a player receives 2 + 10, the misconduct starts when the minor penalty expires.
Thank you!